SARDAR MUBASHIR ALI Software Engineer • Programmer • Web Developer

About Me

Professional Me

I am Sardar Mubashir Ali born and raised in the beautiful city of Abbottabad. I completed most of my education in my hometown. I got my bachelor's degree from The University of Haripur in Software Engineering in 2020. I got my first development job soon after my graduation which was Jr Full Stack Web Developer, Where I was responsible for providing maintenance and introducing new modules in pre-built systems. Currently, I am working at Softech Business Services Islamabad as Jr Full Stack Web Developer, Here I am using PHP, Laravel, Javascript, JQuery, MySQL to get the job done.


Programming Languages I used to developed robust Web Applications


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


Frameworks I used to developed scalable backend for mobile applications and web applications.


Git is my personal favourite to maintain the codebase of project with proper version control.

Featured Projects




I was responsible for developing backend for mobile application and writing all server side logic and intrgrating with fron-end component.We used git for collaboration.We use Laravel for developing this project.

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In this project, I developed new modules and fix bugs across the system. I was responsible to maintain system integrity after integrating new modules in it.

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In this project, I was assigned to developed the server‑side logic for the entire system while maintaining the quality across the system.We used Laravel framework to developed this applocation.

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Cloud Based School Information System

Cloud Based School Information System

In this project, I developed the user authentication and role, permission module with some additional modules like payroll, teacher dashboard, student dashboard, and E‑Library In which files are uploaded on S3 Amazon.We used Laravel framework to developed this project.

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Employees Management Solution[Backend]

Employees Management Solution was developed as backend for single page application,it was built with Laravel and MySQL,and system was built on REST Architecture .

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Sales and Inventory Management System

This application was built for a client and it has all the features which are required for managing the inventory operations. It was developed with java and MySQL.

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Online Admission System[Student Module]

This project is developed for smoothing the admission process.In this I developed the student module,In which student has to entered all information and at end system will generate admission slip.

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Vehicle Tracking and Verification System

This system was developed with Codeigniter and with an Android application, it was developed for the university/school/college transport department for tracking and verification of students who are using the bus/transport has two main modules, a strong admin portal, and a mobile application encompass in this system.

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Node‑Express‑MongoDB REST API Starter

Developed Basic REST API Skeleton using Node,Express with MongoDB as database using MVC design pattern.

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